Treatment Solution
From Fruit

Keep Your Humidifier Spotless

How to Immediately Improve Your Life This Winter With $22.99

If you own a humidifier, this letter will change your life.

    The first time I used my humidifier, I had the deepest night’s sleep of my entire adult life. After a few nights of blissful sleep, running my humidifier all day and night, my skin was no longer dry and itchy, and I stopped using lotion. After just a week, I felt like a brand new man. I was full of strength and stamina and was thinking more clearly than ever. My friends and family were all asking for my secret to newfound happiness.

    Then one day I smelled a stench in my bedroom. I thought I must have left a wet towel lying around. I looked everywhere, but there was nothing. It took me a few days to realize the smell was coming from my humidifier. I quickly took the humidifier apart and, in my shower, cleaned it with bleach, rinsed it with tons of water, and reassembled it. About 10 days later, the stench was back, and my $30 humidifier filter was ruined.

    I researched and ended up buying a popular humidifier treatment solution and a replacement filter. After reading the instructions, I realized that I would need to add a capful of the solution every time I added more water to my humidifier. This would be every night before bed. I kept the bottle of the treatment solution under my bathroom sink, along with the water bucket I used to refill the humidifier. I didn't want to bother with rubber gloves, so I had to be careful not to get the chemicals on my hands.

    Soon after, I started getting shortness of breath. I developed a tight feeling in my chest that made breathing difficult. At first, I thought it was anxiety.

    Then, one day, I happened to read an article. Thousands of people in South Korea were showing up at the hospital with lung disease. After years of investigation by the Korean government, it was discovered that the chemicals in humidifier treatment solutions were causing lung disease. Koreans love humidifiers. About 50% of people in South Korea own a humidifier. In comparison, in the US only 15% of households own a humidifier.

    Korea banned many humidifier treatment solutions in 2011 and fined the companies that made the solution millions of dollars. The companies swore that the humidifier treatment solutions were safe. The companies argued that only small amounts of the toxic chemicals were released into air and thus were unlikely to have causes lung disease. Sound familiar?

    When I read the label of the humidifier treatment solution, I realized it contained some of the same toxic chemicals found in Korea. I used an entire bottle of the stuff. Which meant, I breathed in a entire bottle over several months. I immediately stopped using the solution. Three days later, my breathing problems went away. 

    While I can’t say my breathing problems were caused by the humidifier solution, I am not taking the chance. Lung disease is devastating. My father passed away from lung disease, which was difficult to watch. He could not make it from the living room to the kitchen without getting out of breath. No one should have to go through that.

    Your lungs deal with enough pollution. Any-small thing you can do in your home to limit further pollution is probably a wise idea. Humidifier antimicrobials kill microbes. But the toxic chemicals also evaporate into the air you breathe.

    I didn’t know what to do. Winters were so much happier with my humidifier. I re-read the humidifier manual carefully. I was shocked! I was supposed to disassemble and clean the humidifier every week. Who has time for that? I love my humidifier, but weekly cleanings? I also learned the smell from the humidifier was from bacteria or mold. If ignored, the microbes could have caused humidifier lung, a low-grade chronic fever, and a cough.

    Countless research has shown that high-quality indoor air is critical for health and happiness. We thrive when the humidity is between 30 and 50%. In the winter, 30 to 50% humidity is difficult to achieve. Indoor heating dries the air lowering the humidity. A humidifier is a simple solution to create the ideal humidity. But a poorly maintained humidifier or humidifier treatment solutions containing toxic chemicals can pollute the air in your home and make you sick.

    A couple of hours of breathing dry or polluted air can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Years of dry or polluted air contributes to a host of health issues. Research has shown that air quality doesn't just impact health; it profoundly affects happiness—poor air quality results in low energy, a lack of focus and concentration, and poor sleep.

    The air in your home is a key to feeling good. Don't believe it? Next time you are out in the pristine countryside, take a few deep breaths. You will instantly feel energized.

    Shouldn’t your home air also energize you? There is a simple way to achieve the ideal humidity in the winter without polluting your home air with an improperly cleaned humidifier or toxic humidifier treatment solutions. Puff is a food-grade humidifier water treatment solution made from fruit. It was designed to allow households to safely run their humidifiers for months without weekly cleanings or adding potentially dangerous chemicals into the air.

    It's Powder

    When you pay $22.99 and receive your bottle of Puff, you will first notice that Puff is a fine greenish powder. This is for two reasons:

    1. We want you to see what you are getting. A lot of work has been put into creating Puff. We wanted you to see the actual product. If you carefully read the labels on humidifier treatment solutions, you will notice that they are 97% water. Not Puff.
    1. We don't think you should pay for shipping water. Shipping is expensive, especially with gas prices as they are today. We eliminated the water to get Puff to you at the lowest price possible. By simply adding the water yourself, you save several dollars.

    It’s Green

    The second thing you will notice about Puff is that after you add water, you end up with a dark green solution. The green color is from chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the substance in plants that makes them green. Puff is a deep dark green because it’s packed with chlorophyll. The chlorophyll penetrates the humidifier filter turning it green and extending its life. This means your filters will last longer saving you money.

    It Smells Like Green Tea

    If you are a tea drinker, you may notice that Puff smells like fresh-brewed green tea after adding water. This is because Puff is also made from plants, or fruit, more precisely. Other products smell like chemicals (although I don't recommend smelling them). All the ingredients inside Puff are natural and also used in food. So there are absolutely no safety concerns. This means you can run your humidifier 24/7 without worry.

    It’s Easy To Use

    The last thing you will notice about Puff is that it’s extremely easy to use. You don't need to add Puff every time you add water to your humidifier. You don't need protective goggles and gloves. No need to use a tiny bottle cap for measuring. You simply add Puff once and forget about it.

    If you use an evaporative humidifier, get Puff. 

    The evaporative humidifier is the most efficient humidifier on the market. It’s no wonder that half of all humidifiers sold in the US are evaporative humidifiers. If you use an evaporative humidifier, get Puff.

    Don't allow the air in your home to threaten you and your family's health. If you use a humidifier because someone in your family is elderly, has asthma, cystic fibrosis, or another lung disease, don't risk running a dirty humidifier or a humidifier filled with toxic chemicals. Same, if you use a humidifier for a baby, pets, plants, or furniture. We can’t control the air outside. However, we can control the air in our homes.

    One Last Thing—Puff lasts all winter long. I use my humidifier from about late October to early April, about five months. I go through two bottles of Puff during that time, although I could probably use only one bottle. The reason? I find that the water collects dust after several months of continuous operation. I don't like the idea of the dust. So, I clean the humidifier after about two and a half months and add more Puff. My filter is still okay. So, I save money on filters. The two most critical things to me are:

    1. I don't have to clean my humidifier weekly or treat the water every night, so there is much less work for me; and
    2. I am confident that I am breathing healthy clean air with ideal humidity for moist skin and the most restful night’s sleep.


    Ronald Craft

    The inventor of Puff

    Choose Safe Air



    Made From Fruit


    Made From Fruit