
Choose Safe Air


Manufacturers of evaporative humidifiers recommend cleaning humidifiers thoroughly weekly and changing the filter every 30 days.

Puff safely allows you to run your humidifier without frequent cleanings and extends the lifetime of your filter.

One bottle of Puff treats one five-gallon humidifier. If your humidifier holds more or less water, adjust the amount of Puff accordingly. For example, if your humidifier holds 2.5 gallons of water, use about one-half of a bottle.

To use, add water to the bottle and pour the contents of the bottle into your humidifier tank. No need to add more Puff each time you add more water. Depending on how much water you evaporate each day, you should be set all season. You may need to add more than the starting recommended amount of Puff, if you run your humidifier all the time. Before use, read the directions on the label. Watch the instructional videos.

For all evaporative humidifiers

Do not use in ultrasonic or steam humidifiers
Choose Safe Air

Evaporative Humidifiers Are The Best Humidifiers For Increasing Humidity

Evaporative wick humidifiers are incredibly efficient instruments for whole-home humidification. These easy-to-use, low-energy humidifiers comprise a filter wick, a water reservoir, and a fan. The filter wick sits in the water reservoir, becoming saturated with water, creating a large wet surface area. The fan forces air over the damp wick. The air stream, over the large wet surface, results in efficient water evaporation to rapidly increase humidity.

A common problem with evaporative humidifiers is the progressive deposition of hard water deposits in the water reservoir and filter. As the concentration of these deposits increases, yellowish insoluble crusts form. The unsightly deposits fill the filter's pores, reducing the filter's evaporative surface area. As a result, the humidifier's ability to humidify your home is compromised.

An even more serious problem with evaporative wick humidifiers is the growth of microorganisms: mold, algae, and bacteria. The large amount of air that the fan blows over the reservoir and wick continuously introduces microorganisms into the reservoir. The wick material, usually a fibrous organic material (e.g., paper, cotton, or another textile), provides the perfect food supply. In as little as six days of operation, a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms can be detected feeding on the filter wick.

At first, these contaminants are present in minute concentrations; you will hardly notice them. But with each passing day, the microorganisms double in concentration. You will first notice this rapid exponential growth as a foul-smelling stench emanating from the humidifier. The stench may be similar to wet clothing. As the microorganisms continue to feed on the filter, the filter's performance is compromised. With time, the filter starts to liquefy. At this stage, the organisms can be seen as pink or brown slime. If left unintended, the organisms quickly turn into patches of dangerous black and green mold.

Due to the above sequence of events, almost all manufacturers of evaporative wick humidifiers recommend disassembling and fully cleaning your evaporative wick humidifier every week. In addition they recommend changing your filter every 30 days.

Puff allows you to run your evaporative wick humidifier carefree for months at a time, without weekly cleanings or monthly filter changes.

Puff is a food-grade, all-in-one water conditioner for evaporative humidifiers made from fruit. Puff keeps your humidifier spotless all season long, with minimal work. Its all-in-one formula means nothing else is required. No complicated math or messy measuring. Add Puff once and forget about it. Puff keeps working all season long so you don't have to.